The Use of Sled Training to Improve Sprint Performance in Team Sport Athletes

Team sport athletes should not be trained like sprinters (or vice versa) when implementing Sled Training as distinct athletes will respond differently to similar loads. A consensus has not yet been reached; thus, the most appropriate & effective loading condition is still unclear.

The Use of Sled Training to Improve Sprint Performance in Team Sport Athletes

Resisted sprinting with sled towing is a method that has recently received considerable attention from the sport science community. However, to date, no consensus exists regarding its acute and chronic effects in team sport athletes. This narrative review aimed to (a) review and analyze the mechanics of sprinting under un-resisted and resisted conditions with a specific focus on team sport disciplines; (b) provide a thorough and applied discussion on the importance of considering acute and chronic effects of sled loading on technique, electromyographic activity, and force production, as well as on the role of muscle architecture and neural factors in sled training; (c) analyze the effects of increasing sled loads during acceleration and maximum velocity phases on contact and flight phases, while concomitantly examining kinetic, kinematic, and neuromuscular aspects, because all these factors affect each other and cannot be properly understood in isolation.

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