Learning R Featured R for Data Science Exercises: Workflow Basics These exercises are an introduction to the workflow basics of R, including being mindful of typos in code and keyboard shortcuts for faster coding!
Learning R Featured R for Data Science Exercises: ggplot2 These exercises are an introduction to the ggplot2 package used to visualise data in R.
Learning R Featured R for Data Science Exercises: Introduction The beginning of a series in which I'm working through the 'R for Data Science 2nd Edition' Exercises to learn R. Follow along if you're interested!
Sports Science Featured ‘Setting the Benchmark’ Part 3: Contextualising the Match Demands of Specialised Positions at the FIFA Women’s World Cup Australia and New Zealand 2023 Given such accelerated rates of physical development in women’s football, it is crucial that the match-play characteristics are analysed and documented to offer practitioners more nuanced and actionable positional insights.
Learning R Featured Learning R: Workspace and Files In this lesson, you'll learn how to examine your local workspace in R and begin to explore the relationship between your workspace and the file system of your machine.
Members only Sports Science Featured The Comparison of Position-Specific Match Performance between the Group and Knockout Stage of the UEFA Champions League Several components contribute to successful performance in matches, where technical, tactical, and physical aspects play a crucial role. Analysing performance can offer a competitive advantage against opponents and assist in making key decisions regarding one's own team.
Members only Strength and Conditioning Featured ‘Setting the Benchmark’ Part 1: The Contextualised Physical Demands of Positional Roles in the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Understanding the unique physical demands of international football can significantly impact the effectiveness of training programs and contribute to maximising player performance on the field.
Members only Strength and Conditioning Featured Physical Match Performance of Elite Soccer Players from the English Championship League (ECL) & the English Premier League (EPL): The Effects of Opponent Ranking & Positional Differences The analysis of player performance in elite soccer matches against varied opponents provides coaches and performance staff with valuable insights to enhance training, recovery, and tactical strategies, aiming to improve match outcomes.
Members only Strength and Conditioning Featured The Adaptable Coach – A Critical Review of the Practical Implications for Traditional & Constraints-led Approaches in Sport Coaching Coaching, often described as a field that lacks exact scientific principles but thrives on artistic expression, requires skilled coaches to possess a high level of openness, adaptability, and flexibility in their approach.
Members only Strength and Conditioning Featured Eccentric Resistance Training Eccentric muscle actions occur when an external force exceeds the force produced by the muscle, causing the muscle to lengthen under tension. They are also known as contractions happening while the muscle lengthens.